April 3rd 2019Old Girls' Association relive their time at Blackheath High SchoolSHARE THIS ARTICLE facebook twitter linkedin
March 14th 2019Women in Leadership 2019: Inspiring our girls to become future leadersSHARE THIS ARTICLE facebook twitter linkedin
March 14th 2019Eclectic and memorable performances from all year groups at Pop fest 2019SHARE THIS ARTICLE facebook twitter linkedin
February 14th 2019Deconstructed: Blackheath High School Fashion Show 2019SHARE THIS ARTICLE facebook twitter linkedin
February 13th 2019Musicians perform their first Tea Time Concert of 2019SHARE THIS ARTICLE facebook twitter linkedin
October 12th 2018The Blackheath High School Year 5 taster visitSHARE THIS ARTICLE facebook twitter linkedin
September 10th 2018Blackheath High School 'Open Studios' presents: KS3 Art + Design ExhibitionSHARE THIS ARTICLE facebook twitter linkedin