Family Community
Joining Blackheath High School provides a wonderful space for our daughters to learn, grow, and form long-lasting friendships. From school trips to an extensive co-curricular programme, Blackheath High pupils have every opportunity to explore exciting new experiences with their peers and the wider school.
The same is true for the parents, guardians and families of the students. Blackheath High is a family community, involving parents and carers in key aspects of school life from attending Sports Day, to speaking at one of our many events.
The BHSA, our parents' association, forms a big part of this community. It was created to bring together the students, families and teachers of both the Junior and Senior schools in a fun and social environment, and significantly contributes to the school's wonderful culture and community spirit. Throughout the year, the BHSA plans and hosts multiple events and activities and, as a registered charity, all the profits go straight back to the girls. This money is used to enhance the school experience and enrich the other wonderful facilities that the school has to offer.
There are many ways in which family members can become involved with the BHSA. It is entirely run by volunteer parents and every contribution is warmly welcomed, from helping out with the Coffee Shop, to donating second hand uniforms, to simply attending and enjoying an event! It is also a fantastic opportunity to meet other parents in your daughter's class in an informal and social setting, making lifelong friends and exploring exciting experiences of your own.
Find out more about the BHSA and how you can get involved
The BHSA also runs a second hand uniform shop, with good quality uniform items at vastly reduced prices.
Second hand BHS uniforms