Staying Safe Online

Technology and digital media are now an integrated part of life, and at Blackheath High we are committed to ensuring our students are not only highly IT-literate, but also aware of how to utilise technology and the internet in a safe and effective way. 

We are an Apple School, and as such all students are given access to an iPad from Year 2 to support their learning. These are used to organise schedules, aid in classwork, and from Year 7 the girls are able to take their iPads away from school. Subsequently, all Sixth Formers are given personal MacBooks - this ensures equal access to technology from home. From these devices, students can access our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) Firefly to check homework assignments and classwork.

We take e-safety very seriously, with the topic included in PSHEE (Physical, Social, Health & Economics Education) lessons and also covered as part of form time activities, to ensure the information is retained. Upon receiving their Apple devices, all students have a session on how to set up and use them safely, installing safety measures to protect their information – and themselves – online.  

Workshops are regularly held by external agencies such as Digital Awareness UK. These are engaging, relevant, and educational sessions that give the students a greater understanding of digital safety not only in their own communities, but in the wider world.  

If you have any questions related to e-safety, please contact our E-Safety Lead Mrs Leamon

Useful links for parents and careers in supporting children with online safety: