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Your invitation to the KS3 Art and Design Exhibition 2019
You are warmly invited to our annual Art exhibition dedicated entirely to the work of Key Stage 3 students which takes place on Wednesday 4 September 2019.
On display will be an exciting collection of work that was produced by each of our Year 7, 8 and 9 classes last year, demonstrating how they have explored a diverse range of ideas, concepts, materials and approaches. The evening provides an opportunity to see some fantastic and creative work including graphical self-portraits (Year 7), beautiful ceramic plate designs influenced by architectural details (Year 8) and some impressive large scale ‘soft’ sculptures of everyday objects (Year 9).
Also on display will be a collection of work from the Design + Technology department as well as individual pieces by some of our Art Scholars that were produced as part of the ‘What’s in a Building?’ project to commemorate the official opening of the Senior School buildings in May.
The exhibition will be open between 5pm – 8pm in the Wollstonecraft Room and coincides with our Year 7-10 Information Evening (6pm – 7.30pm), giving you an opportunity to view your daughter’s artwork and meet with key members of staff.
For further details contact Mr Branch (Head of Art) d.branch@bla.gdst.net.
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