March 27th 2025
Spotlight: Our Year 12 Drama Scholar, Alison
After an extremely challenging task and in line with 1,000 other entries, we are extremely proud of Zina, Year 9 for receiving a commendation for her entry for the The Anthea Bell Prize for Young Translators.
The national competition is for language learners in secondary schools and organised by Queen's College in Oxford.
10 students were entered from Year 9 and Year 10 German lessons, introducing the task in class and many completing it independently for homework. The competition required students in Year 9 to translate a rhyming poem from German into English and students in Year 10 translated an extract from a novel into English.
A team of translators from right across the UK, along with Oxford languages undergraduates, worked together to judge the competition and have been proud to grant Zina the commendation for her excellent work.
Zina will receive a certificate from the competition organisers in the summer. Well done!