March 27th 2025
Spotlight: Our Year 12 Drama Scholar, Alison
From active participation to researching women's contributions and demonstrating links to everyday life, Mr Mostert (Year 4 Class Teacher and Science Coordinator) talks to us about Science in primary school education.
What is covered in Science at Juniors?
In EYFS and Key Stage 1 Science, topics are covered within the Creative Curriculum and are carefully chosen so that they relate to and demonstrate links to everyday life. In Key Stage 2, Science is taught as a separate subject with two 1 hour sessions per week.
Girls in Year 6 are taught by a member of the Senior School’s Science team. They have one lesson at the Junior School and one lesson at the Senior School, which ensures a smooth transition for when girls move up to Year 7.
In Year 4, the girls are developing some of their 'Working Scientifically' skills, looking at observing changes and fair testing. In Year 5, girls are looking at 'Women in Science' and are researching women’s contributions to discoveries and scientific breakthroughs which are often overlooked or forgotten.
Is it a popular choice of subject?
We find that our girls look forward to their Science lessons and show a keen interest in Science related topics. Our Thursday Science Club has been very popular and oversubscribed.
What are the benefits of studying this subject?
Studying Science encourages curiosity and encourages the questioning of ideas and concepts. Important predictive and investigative skills are also developed.
What are the benefits of studying Science at Blackheath High Junior School?
From an early age, we develop scientific thinking. Wherever the opportunity presents itself, we involve or offer active participation rather than theory based learning. Girls get the opportunity to set up investigations and test things out for themselves.
We draw attention to the fact that Science does not just happen in a classroom or laboratory, but all around us in everyday life. Being a girls' only school, girls are more willing to take risks and actively participate in practical sessions.
Is there a particular aspect of the course that students tend to enjoy?
Girls enjoy the experiments and investigative, practical aspects of the subject. From Year 4 onwards, they enjoy presenting project work to their peers.