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Co-curricular Corner - Circus Skills
Our Nursery and Reception girls are very fortunate to have James Waters teach them Circus Skills on a Thursday. James is a trained dancer and gymnast and has appeared in the West End with the Royal Shakespeare Company and in many television and film productions. He brings a wealth of experience and has been teaching Circus Skills for the past fourteen years. He brings a wide range of equipment with him, such as juggling balls, peacock feathers, spinning plates and stilts. The girls build up a range of skills which enhances their physical co-ordination, hand to eye co-ordination, as well as being terrific fun. He also runs a popular afterschool club for girls in Years 1-2, and Years 3-6. The girls enjoy these sessions immensely and you find some of the staff having a go at spinning the plates – it is harder than it looks!
Mrs Gilfedder-Bonnar
Deputy Head of Junior