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Sixth Form Fashion Show
This year’s Sixth Form fashion show saw a diverse and innovative range of collections by girls across the year groups. From the striking and intricately constructed laser cut garments by Isabel and Sam, to the edgier, sporty vibe of Serafina’s boldly printed puffa jackets, the standard of work was truly outstanding. Students from all year groups modelled in the show, with Year 7 students Ife and Aine showing real attitude in Tallulah’s shimmering capsule collection. Superb musical performances by Hana and Nadia ensured that the show, as one parent described it, was a ‘total triumph’. Well done to all the girls who were involved, particularly the Fashion Show committee, Angele, Maiya and Thea – you all continue to make me immensely proud.
Mrs Gilbert
Teacher of Art and Textiles
This year’s theme was called Morphology - which aimed to encourage designers to truly explore different forms, textures and shapes with the materials they sourced. Morphology means the movement, that can be found within the styling of the hair to the flow of the clothes. The Fashion Committee chose this theme because they thought it would be easily accessible for the designers to use and incorporate into their pieces.
As Fashion Show Committee, our role in the production was to direct the fashion show with Mrs Gilbert's guidance. Our title lead to us overseeing model auditions and rehearsals, choreographing the finale and directing fashion show society along with standardising hair and makeup styles for all the walks. After all the logistics and planning, the fashion show was a great success! All the models were extremely enthusiastic which meant that the energy was definitely evident at the show.
Thea and Maiya
Year 13 students