March 27th 2025
Bringing music to the community
This term we have been proud to introduce our new Playground Ambassadors. These Year 5 students have taken on an important role in helping to make sure our Junior School playground is a fun, safe place to enjoy our breaks. As well as helping to manage playground equipment and lost property, our Ambassadors have introduced Fun Fridays with new challenges each week. So far, we have tried French Skipping with elastic ropes, traditional skipping, bat and ball challenges, giant tumbling blocks and bean bag games – and our Ambassadors will be researching other traditional playground games for future weeks.
The Ambassadors are doing a fantastic job promoting our school values and encouraging social interaction and physical activity during our break times; and the role itself provides the girls with a great opportunity to develop their leadership skills, with a new ambassador taking on the role each half term.
Written by Mrs Scoble, Year 3 Teaching Assistant