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Sunny Sports Day
Junior School Sports Day
It is absolutely fabulous to see Sports Day back in action! The Junior School - EYFS/KS1 and KS2 - had two fantastic Sports Days, which took place at the BHS Sports Campus on Thursday 9 June and Wednesday 22 June respectively.
On both days we benefitted from perfect weather conditions for a range of activities and racing. Everyone was a little nervous as they wanted to put in a good performance for their Houses, but were bolstered by fantastic support from our BHS families.
There were some excellent displays of athleticism and sportsmanship and we were extremely pleased by the number of parents eager to sign up to race - we even had to split them into several teams!
As temperatures began to soar at the KS2 Sports Day, we made the decision to reschedule some of the events to the girls’ Games lessons which delayed the announcement of final scores for KS2. But now we can announce the overall House winner was Paragon for the Junior School! There were some spectacular performances all round – well done everyone.
Senior School Sports Day
It was great to see the return of the full school Senior Sports Day on Tuesday 21 June and the sun shone for us all day. In the morning we had all of the athletics events dotted around on the track and field. There was some fierce competition and a lot of House spirit. Throughout the day there was House tennis and then after a picnic lunch break we had a very zealous tug of war, House cricket and House rounders.
It was a brilliant day with many school records being broken, a real celebration of sport at Blackheath High. The overall winners were Vanbrugh, who continued their winning streak.