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Maths Week
Maths Week 2022 embraced the theme of ‘Maths Outdoors’ with workshops for all the girls from Reception to Year 6 taking place on Monday and Tuesday, making the most of our beautiful playground.
The weather held fine for most of the week, allowing us to further explore our outdoor environment during our Maths lessons. Surely the highlight of the week for Year 1 was the ‘Maths Picnic’, developed and delivered by our Year 6 pupils, who investigated the Year 1 Maths Curriculum in order to devise a fantastic set of activities on arrays, shape and space, weights and measures among other things! Well done Year 6!
Big congratulations to Han Han in 5B, who was the overall winner of the Maths Week Challenge for Upper Key Stage 2 in which all the girls in Year 5 and 6 had a very tricky daily Maths Puzzle to solve. We had a special assembly in which we went through solutions, and Han Han had solved every single one!
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