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Peer Mentors at Senior School
The Peer Mentor team at Blackheath High school are a dedicated team of students from the Senior School and Sixth Form - years 10, 11, 12 and 13 - who have applied and completed training to be part of the Peer Mentor programme. This is a scheme that encourages development in listening skills, compassion and understanding within a school environment.
Peer support is about young people offering support to other young people by listening to them. The students help resolve problems such as homework and friendship issues to ensure that a safe environment is maintained within the school. They also hold events to support the students and raise awareness of the Peer Mentor Scheme.
On Thursday 30th March, our Year 12 Peer Mentors held an 'anti-bullying' assembly for students in years 7,8 and 9 to highlight what students can do if they are being bulllied or if they know of someone else that is being bullied. The mentors outlined that our school takes bullying seriously – advice on who to approach and that all concerns raised, are treated with sensitivity.
Also on Friday 31st March over lunchtime, our Peer Mentors hosted a social event for our Year 7 students. It was a real 'Easter extravaganza' - games were played, songs were sung and lots of cake was eaten! This was an opportunity for Year 7 students to meet and talk to the mentors in an informal way. A really good time was enjoyed had by all. The mentors mingled with all the younger students, joining in and introducing themselves – the atmosphere within the theatre was electric and everyone had a fantastic time.
Mrs Morgan-Elphick
School nurse/Peer Mentor trainer and Coordinator