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My haircut for charity
"Even a small act of kindness can make a big difference in someone's world." -Anonymous
This quote summarises the objective of donating my hair to someone who, because of a devastating illness, lost their hair. I have always wanted to help someone and thought that cutting my hair was the perfect thing to do! It was not an easy decision as I have had long hair all my life and my family and I found it hard to imagine how I would look and feel after the haircut.
I have always loved my hair dearly, but little did I know that I was taking my long locks for granted because there are millions of people in the world who feel that they have to wear wigs to feel self-confident. Therefore, I decided to give my hair to somebody who would appreciate it hair more than I had.
I contemplated the idea for many months. I looked at images of hairstyles online, I used an app to see how those hairstyles would look on me and I even watched several videos of other people who had given their hair to charity. Then, after deciding the look I wanted, my mum and I went to the salon to enquire about donating hair. We were pleased to know that there had been many other people who had done the same and the stylist was very encouraging; and we made the appointment.
On the day of the appointment I was very excited but I felt quite nervous as well because I was about to get 33cm of my long, wavy and glossy hair cut off! At the salon, the hairdresser carefully braided my hair, placing each strand over the other with precision. Then, she brought out the small, silvery scissors, and began to snip my hair.
I was told that my hair was going to be sent to the Great Ormond Street Hospital so that someone could feel as confident as I do. My dream of helping someone in need had finally come true!
This experience made me feel proud of myself because I had been brave enough to get my locks cut. I encourage you to also help somebody, in some way. It doesn't have to be by donating your hair, it can just be doing a random act of kindness like complimenting a person, or simply helping them. Imagine how it would make that somebody feel.
I would like to leave you with the following quote that I feel strongly about:
"Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you" -Princess Diana