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Go Red for Dyslexia!
The dreaded red, a colour we have all seen throughout our education, the red pen used to highlight our mistakes. Dyslexia Associations across the world have chosen this colour to take back its meaning and globally promote dyslexia awareness.
Dyslexia is still very misunderstood and can go undiagnosed for many years. This year, Dyslexia Awareness Week focussed on what dyslexia creates. Dyslexia is a gift which creates artists, entrepreneurs and game changers, but we know that it also can create challenges, inequality and prejudice which through awareness can be addressed.
At Blackheath High School, in collaboration with myself and the SENDCO department, we decided to run a competition where girls had to design a red themed t-shirt to promote Dyslexia Awareness Week. The aim was to emphasise what dyslexia meant to them. There were many fantastic designs which made the judging very difficult!
The overall winner was Eleanor, 7G, whose imaginative design can be seen here. The winner and runners up each won a selection of books to spark their interest in reading.
1st place:
Runners up:
Lilly Rose
Did you know?
- 10 to 15% of the UK population have dyslexia. That’s more than 9 million people.
- Dyslexia is a learning difference which mainly affects reading and writing skills. However, it does not only affect these skills. Dyslexia is also about the way someone processes information.
- Not everyone’s dyslexia is the same. It affects people in different ways.
- It is a combination of abilities and difficulties. Many people with dyslexia have some great strengths, including creativity and problem solving.