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Spotlight on SENDCo
How long have you been a SENDCO at Blackheath High School?
This is my seventh year as a SENDCo at the school.
Find out more about SEND at Blackheath High School.
Can you tell us a little about your background?
I have a degree in Education and post graduate qualifications in languages and business. I have taught in both the primary and secondary school sector, but I also have a charity and training background which has given me a varied set of skills and experience.
How is SENDCO managed currently during lockdown?
Obviously at the moment it is all being managed online through Guided Home Learning. I make time to not only conduct group sessions, but also 1:1 sessions, which are at the moment especially important for students with special educational needs. When you are doing a live MS Teams class session, sometimes pupils do not have the confidence to ask the questions during lessons, or they only think of the questions afterwards. The 1:1 sessions are great for catching up to see how my pupils are finding the Guided Home Learning, and making sure they feel motivated to complete the tasks that they are set.
Lockdown has presented a different type of challenge for the students, especially those with special educational needs. It is important to monitor them and make sure they are coping, not only academically but also emotionally.
On the whole, I feel that Guided Home Learning is working well. It is not only my pupils, but I have also had to learn to adapt. When I find an aspect of technology difficult, it is good for my pupils to know that teachers face challenges too. Blackheath High School's motto is resilience, and this is a perfect example of that. The current situation is an opportunity for pupils to become more resilient, and to work more independently, but they also need our help to navigate this confidently.
What do you think is unique about SENDCO here at Blackheath High School?
Blackheath High School is a smaller school, so we are able to offer 1:1 sessions, and put the pupil at the centre of their learning.
Not every SEND pupil, for example will have the same learning needs or learning style, so being able to have these 1:1 sessions enables us to understand their individual learning needs and customise them. I am then able to feed this information through to the different teaching departments so they can fully understand my pupils’ needs, and adapt lessons where necessary. Now more than ever, I need to be the interface between my students and their teachers to fully support them during this uncertain time.