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The Global Hour of Code at Blackheath High School
Between 3 and 11 December, we participated in the Global Hour of Code, where millions of students across the world do an hour of programming.
The girls got to experience a variety of really fun and engaging activities including Minecraft, Star Wars and Wonder Woman. Some were even using their iPads to create augmented reality characters using Swift Playgrounds which was very exciting for them.
We were keen to involve parents again this year, so they were invited in to come and join in their daughter’s Computer Science lesson and their daughter taught them how to code! It involved every girl in Year 7-9 and our GCSE students, so a large proportion of the Senior School. A large number of parents attended, and it was great to see everyone get something valuable from this experience. A lovely comment from a parent who came in to code with his daughter.
Thank you very much for the opportunity to attend the Computing lesson yesterday to participate in the Hour of Code. It was a lot of fun, and it’s clear that the girls have a lot of confidence in IT and are able to achieve a lot by applying their skills.
We hope it has inspired more girls to code more outside of lessons and to find out more about the exciting opportunities that it offers in the workplace.