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A real family of schools
Those of you who are a little more social media savvy, may have already picked up on the launch of a refreshed Girls' Day School Trust (GDST) image this week. To mark this rebrand, a stunning film has been created which can be found on the GDST website.
I was so pleased to see that the film, created at the world famous Shepperton Studios and involving girls from every single GDST school (do look out for Mimo from Year 2), really captured the essence of what is so unique and special about being part of the GDST family. There is a real sense that we are a family of schools, where girls can feel happy to take intellectual risks, be comfortable in their own skin and appreciate each other’s individuality and talents. This is something that we instinctively know about our own school, but it is wonderful to see it brought to life so vividly.
Since joining the GDST in 2014, I have met GDST girls and alumnae in all kinds of different scenarios and there is always a defining sense of GDST spirit and affection for the confidence and self-belief acquired in those vital years of schooling. I particularly enjoyed reading a blog by my fellow Head, Julie Keller. She captures that sense of belonging so well; I am sure you will enjoy reading it too.
It was also brilliant to see our expertise in educating girls, brought front and centre in the film. I know, as a Head, how much we benefit from a pooling of great expertise in supporting and developing young women between the schools. This hidden curriculum that provides our students with inspiring and strong alumnae role models, and imbues them with a sense of possibility and potential is so important and I am incredibly proud of Blackheath High School’s heritage and sense of mission in this respect. The girls saw the film in assembly and there is a fun competition we are running for the girls to define the essence of ‘#BlackheathHigh spirit’. We hope you, and they, enjoy the film and can share it amongst your social circles in the coming weeks.
I look forward to seeing many of you this evening at our annual BHSA quiz. My grateful thanks to our fabulous BHSA team for running such a fun (and competitive!) event and I hope you will be forgiving when you find the staff table languishing at the bottom of the results yet again; it has been a long and busy half term already!