March 27th 2025
Bringing music to the community
What a great start to term it has been this fortnight! Girls have all returned full of vim, vigour and enthusiasm and lessons and activities had got off to a flying start. We had a superb Upper School Prize-giving at Wemyss Road, with an inspiring speech by alumna Geraldine Cooper, reporter and producer and freelance journalist. It was a privilege to celebrate the very many achievements of all the girls and wish our leavers all the best before they head off to university and beyond. Not only did the girls have a bumper year in terms of public exams, but there were so many excellent co-curricular and personal achievements to celebrate too.
It has been a pleasure to see many parents at the various information evenings over the past fortnight, particularly parents new to the school. We would like to encourage all parents to be part of our brilliant PTA, the BHSA, which is a friendly and welcoming group that also raises much valued funds for the special extras that our girls enjoy so much. I’ve definitely appreciated the growing brass section in our concerts, made possible by the generosity and efforts of parents. More information can be found on the Our Parents section of our website.
We were so pleased to hear about the successful Tanzania and Gold Duke of Edinburgh's Award expeditions over the summer; both challenging the girls out of their comfort zone and creating unforgettable experiences. It was also a delight to see our inaugural Sports Camps over the summer holiday, providing the girls with a chance to get ‘warmed up’ for the season ahead. I am most excited about the new Sixth Form sporting programme this term, which sees the girls attempting rowing for the first time at school, alongside dance and hockey; hopefully something for everyone!
Extensive building work has been going on over the summer and much progress has been made. Soon we will have a beautiful new entrance to the Theatre at Juniors and we will enjoy the unfettered access to the Sixth Form Common Room once the works are completed over the next fortnight! There is much to look forward to and we look forward to celebrating a milestone in the re-development, with a ‘Topping Out’ ceremony in early October. I hope the term is a successful one for your daughters and I look forward to seeing you in person at one of our forthcoming events.