March 27th 2025
Bringing music to the community
When I think about what this school has given me in the last six years of being here, one of the key elements I think about is strength of our community. Blackheath High School has an incredible sense of community – it is a place where we all support each other, regardless of what year group we are in, creating a close-knit family. The Head Student Team, which I recently joined, is committed to prioritising ‘community’ more than ever.
Community to me means so much more than a group of people having something in common; rather, community is the idea of a support system and the idea of belonging in society. Towards the end of the academic year, we celebrate Internationality Day where students come in wearing clothes from their own cultures and sharing them with one another, thus showing the acceptance we have within our school regarding culture. At Internationality Day, we invited Year 4 pupils from Junior School to join the fun at Senior School and see their ‘big sisters’ embrace our diversity and cultures – all serving to strengthen our community and the sisterhood of our all-through school.
Throughout the academic year, a range of school events help to build our community, from House Music to the biggest sporting event of the year, Sports Day where all the houses join for the common goal of winning and earning House Points. Recently, we held our annual Pride sponging event, which shared the common passion of the students in absolutely drenching their favourite teachers. We also offer a wide range of clubs and societies, which create a sense of community as they allow year groups to mix and perform together every term. Societies are run by the Sixth Form, and it allows us to share something we are passionate about with the younger years.
To put it simply though, our teachers - and everything that they enable for us - are the key building blocks to our warm community, serving as wonderful role models to younger students, and generally acting as a crucial support system whenever we need them.
Written by Deputy Head Student, Tarika, Year 12