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The wonder of science!
We have had many magic moments in Science lessons and our great outdoors Eco Club sessions…the releasing of our newly emerged baby frogs into the school pond; the hatching of our caterpillars into fully fledged butterflies; while inside the classroom, students have been getting hands-on with creating their very own species, bubble Biotech and understanding the fascinating Physics of the retina and how we see all the beautiful colours around us.
Physics eye dissection for Year 8
Year 8 undertook an eye dissection while learning about Physics and Waves. They dissected the eye and observed the beautiful colours of the retina, the optic nerve and iris. In doing so, they were able to study how the eye works and how light waves fall on to the retina, to be detected by photoreceptors.
Evolving species and habitats for Year 7
In Biology, Year 7 have been observing the fascinating process and lifecycle of frogspawn evolving into tadpoles, and then into frogs. The recent beautiful weather gave us a chance to release our little frogs into the Senior School pond, helped by Mrs Day and Mrs Ryan.
In our study of Interdependence and Variation, Year 7 delivered some fantastic presentations, where they created their own species and had to describe habitats, competition and food chains. The girls came up with some great names too – one being the The Chunkous and The Whaleian!
Year 13 test their Biotech skills
Our Year 13s enjoyed a bubbly good time in a recent Biotech class, making some tasty looking bubble cupcakes. A great, creative and fun lesson in lead up to exam time!