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Head Student Team Blog: Anabel and team to build on legacies
The incoming Head Student Team would like to thank the outgoing team for all the amazing things they achieved in the past year - many of their projects have had a positive impact on our school community. Their passion for Student Voice was impeccable, something our team hopes to continue excelling in over the next year. They have left a sizeable legacy, one which we hope to live up to!
Our team is very excited for the year ahead and we are already brainstorming ideas on how we can make the school an even more remarkable place (which is hard to do!). I have been on the Head Student Team for around three weeks at the point of writing this, and the team’s enthusiasm and dedication for their roles has already surpassed so many expectations in this short period of time.
Let’s talk about change. The Head Student Team want to amplify Student Voice at Blackheath High, increasing the number of School Council meetings to really listen to and understand what students want, from which we can understand how we can help that take place. We want people to feel heard.
In our first weeks in our new roles, we have attended meetings with Ms Argile, Mr Alaru and Ms Cheyns to discuss our role, responsibilities, school council information and legacy project ideas to better the school. There are members on the team each responsible for different areas of focus - for example, Diversity & Inclusion, Futures, Eco, Charities and Wellbeing, which all form crucial parts of the school’s identity.
Our team is obviously very excited to establish our own legacy project at Blackheath High. Focused on financial literacy and life skills, it is a project that will help students be thoroughly prepared for the future in all aspects. From finances to cooking to changing a tyre, the aim is that students will be equipped with this knowledge when they leave secondary education. We intend to put this programme in place, alongside the help of teachers, and hope it will remain in place long after we leave. Having parents that both work in banks has allowed me personally to see gaps in knowledge that the younger generations have when it comes to finances and our aspiration is that our next generations will have a great foundation and insight into these crucial life skills.
I have learnt so much from my eight years at Blackheath High, particularly the importance of hard work and resilience, which has got me where I am today. I don’t think there could be a better school environment for me to learn these lifelong skills. Blackheath High School has not only been my second home for the last eight years, but also the place where my character has grown, and my personality developed. It has also given me so many opportunities, and this is my opportunity to finally be able to give back to the school with tremendous gratitude. I know I speak on behalf of everyone on the team when I say that we are so excited and thankful to have been given this opportunity.
Written by Anabel, Year 12, Head Student