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Year 6 begin an exciting final year of Junior to Senior School transition
Preparation for next year’s Step up to Senior School:
Our Junior School’s ‘Into the Senior School’ transition programme continues with pupils engaging in some great workshops and classes at Vanbrugh Park. The girls have now started to visit Senior School regularly for afternoon lessons, experiencing a whole range of new and exciting KS3 curriculum classes including PRE (Philosophy, Religion & Ethics), Science and Drama.
A taste of Shakespeare:
Year 6 pupils were treated to an exciting Macbeth Workshop with our Senior School English & Drama teacher, Mrs Munroe. Bringing the fun and engagement as always, the girls loved getting creative with their very own ‘Double double, toil and trouble’ poetry!
Year 6 enjoy the works of Berthe Morisot:
To kick off our #French Autumn topic, ‘Portraits’, Year 6 enjoyed the vibrant and nuanced work of French Impressionist artist Berthe Morisot at the Dulwich Picture Gallery. The weather was glorious, and the exhibition outstanding. Back at school, Year 6 took inspiration from their trip to investigate and recreate Morisot’s vibrant use of colour using oil pastels and enlarged images. See below for a gallery of their own vibrant works of art.