March 27th 2025
Spotlight: Our Year 12 Drama Scholar, Alison
National School Sports Week Planning
We had some great lobbying and ideas by our Junior School Sports Prefects for how to get everyone involved in the upcoming National School Sports Week (19-25 June 2023).
Year 5 & 6 had a fab start to their Football Club with a very energetic session led by AW Football Coaching
Year 5 & Year 6 Netball Partnership Day was a big success with three local schools taking part. Great weather, great play & such great fun!
Our Year 9 squad had a brilliant athletics fixture, with a great performance by all, with some big wins from Marley and Sophia. Well done to all!
Lots of personal bests, great fun and even some sun at an absolutely fantastic day of athletics for the Year 7-9 squads at the track & field cup.
We had a wonderful cricket match against Sydenham High School with both teams displaying awesome batting & fielding skills! Players of the match: Alyssa & Annabelle
Well done to the U13s who played a great cricket fixture against Farrington's School. A win for Bs and a narrow loss for the As.
A brilliant start to the season for our U15 A&B cricket teams against St Dunstan’s College. We had two close games resulting in two wins for Blackheath High School teams. Players of the Match: Tara and Jess
Running Club
We have had a strong effort from the BHS Running Club who were out in force in some lovely mild weather in Greenwich Park. Welcome to our new member, Lina!