March 27th 2025
Spotlight: Our Year 12 Drama Scholar, Alison
Year 1 stepped back in time to explore beautiful Leeds Castle on a school trip this half term. On a gloriously sunny May day, Year 1 girls enjoyed engaging tours and interactive workshops at the Kentish landmark. Our current Creative Curriculum topic, 'Castles', provided the girls with a firm foundation in castle vocabulary, which delighted and impressed us all during tours of the castle. The girls also posed many thoughtful, well-articulated questions throughout the day. We were fortunate enough to visit areas of the castle that are usually off-limits to regular visitors, such as the cellars and the edge of the moat.
Lively storytelling workshops whisked us back to the origins of the castle over 900 years ago. Taking on different characters; including a sparrow, a gnome, a wicked witch and a king; the girls enacted a very entertaining drama show.
There was no working re-"moat"-ly on this very successful trip!
Written by Miss Robertson, Year 1 Teacher, Art Subject Leader