March 27th 2025
Spotlight: Our Year 12 Drama Scholar, Alison
Trips Day this term involved a whole host of exciting activities, here’s a snapshot of what each of the Year Groups got up to:
Years 6 & 8: Architecture Day – 3D building scapes: In a number of design challenges, girls were first tasked with a feat of engineering - building the tallest tower they could out of newspaper. There were some brilliant attempts at solving the physics & massing problems and building the best base structures. Students were later briefed to design and build individual elements of a complex building, all culminating in a single, large 3D building-scape along the river! Teams had to present their models to the group, with the Design Technology team later judging and selecting the winning designs. The winning teams were (in no particular order):
The Physics Room
The Toilets
The Music Room
Year 7: Science Museum ‘Making the Modern World’ & Freejumping! - Year 7 took a trip to the ‘Making the Modern World’ gallery at the Science Museum to learn about how Science, Technology, Engineering and Medicine have shaped the way we live, work, play and communicate over the last 250 years. The ‘Information Age’ gallery showed girls how our lives have been transformed by information and communication technologies over the last 200 years. In the afternoon, the trip headed to Oxygen Freejumping at the O2 for some screen-free exercise! Students had a fantastic time up the high ropes, playing dodgeball, completing the Ninja Warrior course and battling each other in the foam pit. It was a great afternoon to let go of the stresses of the week and focus on wellbeing!
Year 9: Theatrical performances and workshops - In English this term, Year 9 have been studying An Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestley so it was great to welcome in The Globe Players who delivered an abridged workshop performance of the play. Explaining the significance of the scenes has helped and inspired the students to engage with Priestley's classic text on a deeper level.
Both Year 9 and 10 benefitted from an informative Think Differently presentation and Q&A by The Kenward Community team - a highly successful project which educates young people about substance misuse and anti-social behaviour. The programme focuses on real-life stories and experiences from individuals with previous addictions to raise awareness of the issues and potential consequences of drug and alcohol dependency for young people. Letting it all go in the afternoon, Year 10 headed to Drury Lane for a bit of fun theatre, watching Frozen: The Musical.
Year 11: Life as a CSI - In an insight to forensics and crime scene investigation, students got to experience what life is really like as a CSI. Challenged to think outside the box, the session focused on solving problems involved in a murder investigation and learning about the background of investigative science. In their analysis of commonly found substances students examined hair and fibre, ballistics, fingerprint, forensic dentistry, photofits, blood splatter analysis and other pieces of crucial evidence! Well done to the winning teams of the blood-typing, DNA profiling and gel electrophoresis, who scored the UK schools’ highest score so far and beat the last record set by another school.
Year 12 & 13: Historic Leeds Castle – Our students immersed themselves in the fascinating world of Mediaeval and Tudor times at this stunning historic castle in Kent, steeped in over 900 years of glamorous history, filled with strong and visionary women! All topped off with a roam around the beautiful grounds, maze, and the birds of prey enclosure.