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Chinese New Year assembly: The year of the Rabbit
Happy Chinese New Year!
Our students were delighted to celebrate Chinese New Year this week.
According to the Chinese lunar calendar, the date of Chinese New Year varies every year; this year New Year fell on 22 January, marking the beginning of the Year of the Rabbit. In Chinese culture, the Rabbit is a tender and loving creature that is a symbol of purity and auspiciousness. People born in the year of the Rabbit are believed to be vigilant, witty, quick-minded, and ingenious.
To start off the week, our school Chinese assembly was presented by the Year 8 Mandarin class, including Eva and Amelie from Year 10. It took a fun look at the Chinese Zodiac, and provided some information about the celebrations that take place in Chinese homes and communities. Our students also shared a Chinese poem, Chinese New Year Rhymes and rabbit-based Chinese proverbs, along with a solo Lion dance from Georgia in Year 8 to get the whole school into the Chinese New Year spirit. Our performers felt it was an exciting way to share and showcase the celebration - “a great experience to be part of”.
At lunchtime our fantastic catering team served up a Chinese feast as part of our lunch menu and the students had great fun using chopsticks! Everyone received a fortune cookie and loved cracking them open to find what good luck the fortune cookie would bring them.
May your year be filled with an abundance of good luck, prosperity, and health.