March 26
Head's blog - March 2025
Unbelievably it is already the end of January! So much has been happening in school as February half term seems to be rocketing towards us.
I’m sure, by now, you are well aware of our 140th Birthday Year of Promise project. It’s been inspiring to hear the girls’ ideas coming together and we are looking forward to seeing their pledges coming in over the year. It really is amazing to see what a powerful ripple effect it can have to make just one change to a habit and see how that encourages others around you to think. Whilst my own pledge not to print anything this year is quite challenging, it’s making me think creatively about how I use technology and most of the meetings I am attending in school now are also turning paperless. The message for the girls that every small change they can make, will have an impact, is an incredibly powerful one. I do hope that you can also join us as a family with a pledge of your own.
At the moment, in school were are really looking hard at our use of single use plastics and will be drawing up a plan of how we can reduce any waste that is created.
This week, we have had the pleasure of welcoming over 80 delegates from Senior Leadership Teams across the GDST to Blackheath High School, alongside our CEO Cheryl Giovannoni. Mrs Argile and our support team have been working extra hard to make everyone feel welcome and it has been hugely enjoyable and productive. As a group of schools, the added value and opportunities it brings to staff and girls to be part of the GDST network is immeasurable and easy to take for granted. We really are incredibly fortunate.
At the Junior School this week, it has been a pleasure to welcome Mrs Gilfedder-Bonnar back from maternity leave and straight into the hotseat as acting Head of Juniors. As Mrs Skevington enjoys her well deserved long-service leave in Australia seeing family, it is impressive to see how her team have stepped up in their usual professional and impressive way. I am incredibly proud of our committed and hard-working staff who dedicate themselves to creating the very best environment for your daughters to grow up in at school.
As the mornings are gradually starting to get lighter, I wish you all a smooth run into February half term and look forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming events.