Why I feel proud to work at Blackheath High School
Arriving at Blackheath High School almost three years ago, I was unsure of what to expect. In this time, I have become incredibly proud to work here; more so as time goes by. No aspect of school life here feels simply normal, but most things extraordinary. This year alone, girls have inspired me, moved me, made me laugh (frequently), and made me appreciate being a teacher. They have delivered thought-provoking, feel-good and powerful assemblies, and I am regularly impressed by how intelligent they are; often seemingly beyond their years. What a way to start your day!
Their kindness knows no bounds. As someone who is about to embark on maternity leave, students rush ahead of me in corridors to open doors and carry books for me. At Morden College, it is a pleasure to see them working so patiently with residents, helping them to use their iPhones and tablets (this is certainly a patience I do not have when my own mother asks me for help with any device!). Girls genuinely enjoy having opportunities to help other people, as evidenced by the number of girls who are signing up to be buddies, for volunteering work, wanting to get involved with Dementia friends, and who jump at the chance to show off our school to the many visitors we have.
Whilst I am mainly based in the Senior school, I love being able to come down to the Junior school and pupils there certainly make you feel very welcome very quickly. Where else is a meeting interrupted by a very excited Year 4 student who has popped in to Mrs Skevington’s (Junior School Head) office, to ask her to come to the classroom to watch a very funny movie they discovered about a dog! I have tried hard to convince Mrs Skevington to allow my son to attend the Junior school, but for some reason, she won’t seem to budge.
I am constantly amazed and surprised by how wonderful these girls are, in fact, on a daily basis. It is for all of these reasons, and so many more, that I feel proud to work at Blackheath High School.