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Many a Theology debate ahead as Head Student, Rachel, heads to Oxford with straight A grades
Rachel’s outstanding A-level grades – As in Biology and English, and A* in Religious Studies – enable her to take up a place at Oxford University to study Theology. She also completed an Extended Project Qualification exploring how post-18th century legislation regarding homosexuality has been influenced by religious thought.
Rachel joined Blackheath High School in Year 7, her potential for academic excellence already clear with the offer of a prestigious bursary place. Throughout her time at the school, she has taken every opportunity to push herself and explore her passions, both academic and personal – it is, she says, the place where she really found herself. In her final year of school, Rachel was elected to be a member of the Head Student Team, an opportunity she describes as “an honour and a privilege”.
In particular, Blackheath High helped Rachel to discover a passion for debating and public speaking – she has been involved in Debating Club, ran Debating Society as a Sixth Former and took part in debates against other schools.
She describes the Blackheath High Sixth Form as “relaxed but focused - the teachers’ support was invaluable and one of the best things about Blackheath High. They really care and are always there to guide and support you.”
Rachel places great value on being part of the GDST network, and says that taking part in networking opportunities like those at the Women in Leadership Conference in March 2023 have been a real benefit. She is delighted to be part of the GDST network for life and looks forward to taking advantage of the opportunities it brings.
Looking to the future, Rachel is looking forward to going to Oxford, meeting new people and enjoying interesting conversations with professors and coursemates. She also plans to pick up a new language – New Testament Greek.