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Festive Christmas week round-up...oh yes it is!
Year 7 head to see Robin Hood at the panto
The Christmas festivities began on Monday with our Year 7s having a great time watching the panto Robin Hood at our wonderful Greenwich Theatre.
The ski party head to Chatham Ski Centre
Our ski trip beginners headed off to Chatham Ski Centre to get a bit of practice in before the big trip in the New Year.
BHSA Christmas Wreath making
Parents and students made some fantastic Christmas wreaths at the BHSA Christmas Wreath Making workshop in conjunction with florists @theoandgilbert_flowers. Everyone left with fantastically decorated and personalised wreaths – we can’t wait to do it again next year!
Our stunning BHSA Christmas Trees
Thanks to the BHSA for providing and decorating our stunning Christmas trees at Junior School and Senior School. We feel wonderfully festive now!
Fun in the snow!
Our Biology A-level students had great fun building a snowman in the first day of snow this week – a bit of improvisation with facial snowman anatomy, with some physics and engineering rolled in!