March 30th 2022'Disrupt' | Blackheath High School Fashion Show 2022SHARE THIS ARTICLE facebook twitter linkedin
November 24th 2021Pattern Cutting with Sustainable Fashion Designer, Sasha StarlightSHARE THIS ARTICLE facebook twitter linkedin
July 8th 2021Sixth Form produce extraordinary collections in Fashion ShowSHARE THIS ARTICLE facebook twitter linkedin
May 21st 2020Beautiful animation created amid lockdown limitationsSHARE THIS ARTICLE facebook twitter linkedin
February 14th 2020Creating Metamorphosis in the Fashion Show 2020SHARE THIS ARTICLE facebook twitter linkedin
September 20th 2019Incredible skills showcased at the KS3 Art Exhibition 2019SHARE THIS ARTICLE facebook twitter linkedin
February 5th 2019Your Blackheath High School Winter Fashion Show InvitationSHARE THIS ARTICLE facebook twitter linkedin