December 13
Head's blog - December 2024
As we reach the end of term, a huge thank you to all members of the school community for making this such a successful, happy and exciting year for the school. I almost cannot believe it has been less than a year since we opened the new build at Seniors, but already we are busy making the spaces our own and girls and staff are finding new ways each day to grow our wonderful community of learning.
The last fortnight has been jam-packed with amazing events and celebrations. We had A fitting send-off for our Year 13 leavers with the Sixth form Ball (complete with silent disco and pyramid stage!), Prize-giving and celebrations for Years 6-9, a festival-themed ‘graduation' for Year 6, a wonderful whole school concert at St Margaret’s Church in Lee, an amazing celebration of all things sporting at the Sports Awards with England Hockey Captain, Holly Pearne-Webb, a highly successful BHSA camp-night and a very popular Alumnae Summer Garden Party. My goodness, a lot has been fitted in and I am very grateful to all the staff and parents for their efforts and contribution in making all this possible.
With all this activity, I talked at the end of term to both staff and students about the value of sometimes, just doing absolutely nothing! I hope with all the distractions of technology, organised activity and constant communication, there will also be some space for the girls (and you!) to appreciate their surroundings; enjoy good company and just listen and observe. As great philosopher and author A.A Milne wrote: “Don’t underestimate the value of doing nothing, of just going along listening to all the things you can’t hear, and not bothering.”
Wishing all members of the Blackheath High School community a wonderful summer and look forward to seeing you all for another exciting year in September.