March 26
Head's blog - March 2025
As we speed into Half Term, it has been great to observe the girls getting involved in just some of the opportunities available to help them develop the skills we know will be so invaluable to them in the future: creativity; teamwork; tenacity; organisation; bravery and adaptability.
In the Annual Fashion Show this week, it was inspiring to see the originality and creativity on display in devising stunning collections, choreographing routines, designing and operating lighting, staging and makeup. Huge congratulations to Mrs Gilbert and Eve and Anna for all their hard work in drawing this celebration of inspiration and ingenuity together so professionally.
In the Greenman public speaking competition this afternoon, we saw girls from as young as Year 6 addressing a full theatre on topics of their choice. The great merit of the Greenman, is not only the final performances (which were superb), but also that girls throughout the school are involved in turning their hand to a persuasive public address and learning about the process of creation, practice and over-coming nerves. It is so important that they learn not everyone is ‘born’ a confident and skilled public speaker but that there are techniques to learn, and that practice and feedback builds confidence.
Similarly, we wish our intrepid skiers heading to Cras-Montana today, safe travels and many exciting adventures. There will be falls, forgotten ski passes and tired muscles, but also small victories like a first green-run, amazing views soaked up and a button lift safely navigated for the first time. These experiences outside the classroom, made possible by dedicated and committed teaching staff are so valuable for the girls and provide unforgettable lessons that are so important for shaping character and attitudes.
On the subject of creativity and teamwork, I’d also like to re-iterate my thanks to the BHSA and particularly the team responsible for the organisation and running of our Annual Quiz night. It was a brilliantly entertaining night, as well as a very successful fundraiser and we are very appreciative of everyone’s efforts for this and all the other initiatives, like second-hand uniform and coffee shop that do so much to support the school community. This year will see some exciting purchases for the girls on behalf of the BHSA and we look forward to sharing these with you as they arrive.