Shanti Liz Zachariah


Liz Zachariah 1Sheila Zachariah let us know of her sister’s sad death, explaining they joined the school in 1951 at Morden Road and left in the early 1960s. Her friend Marian Morris (née Fenn, BHS 1948-1961) says of Liz: “She was a quiet, gentle soul, always kind and hard-working. She loved the Classics, but went on to become a doctor specialising in anaesthetics. When she retired she worked as a volunteer with the victims of torture. She was a very private person, more interested in putting others first.”

Sheila also kindly shared the words of two former doctor colleagues of Liz’s, which were read out at her funeral and which sum up a life beautifully lived:
“Liz was a wonderful lady who was a good friend. She was a very self-deprecating and never showed off or bragged about her considerable achievements.  

We first met when I started work as a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, and Liz became my regular anaesthetist for my Thursday all day trauma lists. She was brilliant - she would take on all cases, from injured children to frail elderly patients with hip fractures, without any drama; a surgeon’s dream! Liz was so kind and caring to the patients in her care, soothing them with her quiet charm.  

Liz was a sporty person who loved skiing. I was amazed by her determination, and when her knees started to hold her back, she bought some high-powered spring contraptions which we fitted on her using my engineering skills. I have to say I was a little apprehensive, but on her return from her next ski trip she reported they had been a great success.

She was also very determined – she took a course in plumbing and worked hard to overcome her anxieties about learning to drive. As the pandemic subsided, she braved driving round to my house where we sat out in the courtyard and drank tea through our masks and chatted about old times.   

When she became ill and was admitted to Stoke Mandeville I visited her on several occasions, and at all times found her relaxed and at peace. I am grateful she had a good death, but I will miss her so much for the truly lovely person she was.”