Tina Carr


Tina Carr (née Hancock, BHS alumna class of 1958), 83, died May 18th 2024 peacefully at home.
A loving mother and grandmother, she is survived by her four children Miranda, Beccy, Toby, and Alex, and her 10 grandchildren both in the UK and Australia. She will be greatly missed by her family and friends.

Thanks to Tina’s son Toby Carr for this obituary.  

Her friend Suzanne Watson says:
“It was with great sadness that I learned of my dear friend Tina’s passing, particularly as it was just a day before her 84th birthday. She has been part of my life ever since we both started school together aged 5 years old in 1946.  We were classmates until five years later when we were separated due to me being ‘kept down’, which meant that Tina was in the form above me until we both left the school. Tina certainly made her name at BHS, especially on the tennis court where she was indeed a force to be reckoned with.   

Tina Carr HancockAlthough we had no contact after our school days, my friendship with her was re-kindled in 1990 when we met at one of the annual Old Girls’ Association luncheons.   

This photograph was taken shortly afterwards at Tina’s home, with her in the centre, me on the left and our mutual friend and former classmate, Vanessa Stainthorpe Williams (and her dog) on the right.   

Ever since the time of getting together again at the age of 50, I have enjoyed Tina’s vibrant company and appreciated her very generous and caring qualities, not to mention her incredible sense of fun.  But sadly, due to her disability, during recent years I have been unable to meet up with her, instead relying upon regular telephone conversations to keep in touch. I will miss her greatly.”