The Macaulay Award


Former OGA members may have noticed that there have been no reports in recent alumnae newsletters from recipients of the BHS OGA Macaulay Award.   

The 2019 prize pot did not end up being awarded as the intended trip did not go ahead, and Covid put paid to gap-year travel plans in the following period.

It is very pleasing to be able to report that there was a positive response from students to the 2023-2024 Macaulay Award. Submissions were detailed and well-written, and all the candidates presented themselves articulately and with great confidence and enthusiasm in their interviews. Shanti (Year 13) was awarded the full £500 prize pot following a very enthusiastic, inspiring interview regarding her planned trip to Peru, as well as her broader interests, which include supporting charities and volunteering her time; and Esme (Year 13) was awarded £200 for her trip taking place this summer. We look forward to reading all about their adventures in a future newsletter.

We are delighted that the Macaulay Award is back in the calendar and that the OGA funds, which are so generously passed on to the School, will continue to support this award for some years to come.