December 16th 2024
Year 3 Curate for the Day at the Old Royal Naval College
Congratulations to the school’s Eco Club, which has been honoured with a Distinction by the Eco-Schools Green Flag Award scheme. This accolade recognises the significant environmental credentials of the school.
Here are some of the key points that the organisers congratulate Eco Club on:
The school’s Eco Committee, which is very inclusive, invites all pupils from the Eco Club to join. The size of the Eco Committee demonstrates that the students are very passionate about environmental action. The body was impressed that students are so willing and able to make an immediate impact, promoting recycling, sustainable transport and much more. Organising an Eco Day was deemed an inspired move to engage students and create initial momentum.
The school pond - along with the bird, bee and hedgehog houses - help focus on Biodiversity and supporting local wildlife. The eco body was highly impressed with the appointed energy monitors in the school, key to driving change in behaviours with immediate impact and our litter topic actions.
The school’s focus on the environment is also well rooted among an impressive number of organisations (including once-in-a-generation COP26 in the UK) and improving the local community, illustrating a great example of a collaborative approach to combat climate change.
Underlining this commitment are the constant links back to the Curriculum, making environmental education inclusive and celebratory – as BHS students now regularly ask "Yes, but what’s the impact on nature?" The school’s Eco Code was deemed “a perfect reflection and celebration of your Eco Schools journey.”