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GDST at 150, celebrating a milestone
The start of last week marked the 150th birthday of the Girls' Day School Trust (GDST). In a letter published by the GDST’s Chief Executive, Cheryl Giovannoni, we hear about the very beginnings of the GDST, the focus on equality in education for girls, and the fact that without a doubt, girls’ education has never been more important than in today’s complex, contradictory and pressurised world.
In celebrating this significant anniversary, the GDST reflects on the noteworthy achievements of the past and the part that each of us has to play in writing this chapter of the GDST’s history, to be celebrated by girls and women for generations to come.
Part of the mission of the founders of the GDST was to reach as many girls as possible and in honour of that mission and to mark its 150th birthday, the GDST is launching a fundraising campaign for an additional 150 transformational, life-changing bursary places to enable even more girls from diverse backgrounds to benefit from a GDST education.
As part of the birthday celebrations, a series of films were captured from girls across the GDST to highlight what they value most about their education. Read the full letter from our Chief Executive and watch the girls’ lovely messages.