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The importance of language highlighted in the GDST Language Festival
On Friday 28 February, a group of Year 8 and Year 9 students attended the Languages Festival at Sutton High School.
The day started off with a few greeting remarks from the Head of Languages at Sutton High and various guests. Their wonderful speeches set the day off perfectly by thoroughly emphasising the importance of languages in our futures. Whilst Year 8 partook in a cultural language quiz, the Year 9 groups performed their sketches in French and Latin in front of the other GDST schools. They all went brilliantly and everyone loved to watch one another in appreciation for the effort that went into their sketches. All the performances were wonderfully put together and reflected each individual's passion for their language.
After a delicious lunch, all the years returned to the hall for prizes and to watch the winning sketches. Overall, the day was an incredible experience and all the students returned with further knowledge and interest in their language.