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An amazing term for Reception and Nursery
From learning about space to preparing for the Nativity, Reception and Nursery have had such a fun-filled and busy term that it's hard to believe it's nearly Christmas!
We have had a very exciting term in Reception learning about space! We were reading the stories Whatever Next and Beegu, and had just started to learn about rockets, planets, and astronauts, when we found a real rocket that had crash landed in our playground! After careful investigation, we decided that the rocket must have belonged to Beegu, who was now lost somewhere in our school. We made posters to find her and tried to discover which planet Beegu might have come from, creating our own planets to show what Beegu’s home might be like. We also worked in our house groups to create a new rocket for Beegu, using the 3D shapes we learnt about in maths. We put our rockets outside and when we came in on Monday they were gone! We know that our plan to get Beegu home was a great success because at the end of our story we saw that Beegu had been safely reunited with her mummy and daddy.
Finally, to celebrate all that we have learnt this term, we went on a trip to the Royal Observatory in Greenwich where we had a wonderful time watching Ted’s Space Adventure and exploring the exhibitions.
This half term Nursery have been learning about the Nativity and they performed for their parents on Thursday 12 December. Dressed as little angels, the girls performed songs, carols and dances based around the Nativity story. They did so well that it is hard to believe the girls started Nursery only three and a half months ago!