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The Power of PGL Positivity presented by the Mighty Girls of Blackheath High Junior School
On 14 March 2019, the Mighty Girls delivered an assembly to Years 4 and 5.
The idea came about as some of Year 5 at the Junior School were worried about their up-coming residential trip to PGL Liddington. As the Year 6 Mighty Girls’ group is a lunchtime club dedicated to promoting female role models and positive equality messages we seemed the ideal people to encourage our fellow Junior school pupils to rise to the challenges and over-come their fears. We have been talking a lot about bravery in school and here was a great opportunity to portray that quality.
We asked for written feedback from Year 5 about their feelings relating to PGL; it could have been anonymous but many gave their names. The main concerns were about being separated from parents, fear of the activities – particularly heights, sleeping arrangements and food.
Some worries were easy to answer, for example “can you take a teddy?”, others not so much. We all spoke during the assembly, covering different aspects of the trip and answered questions from the girls. We think we successfully re-assured the Year 5s; there was lots of positive feedback and the girls said they were looking forward to the summer trip.
Here are some quotes from the children and teachers after the assembly.
“At first I didn’t want to go on PGL but after your assembly I do; it helped me a lot.” - Yr 5 pupil
“I am even more excited about going!” - Yr 5 pupil
“It was a well-delivered assembly and the girls in Years 4 and 5 responded well and enjoyed hearing first-hand experiences from the marvellous Mighty Girls.” - Mrs Bonnar, Deputy Head
Bon Voyage Year 5!
The Mighty Girls
(Anna-Faye, Ceri, Charlotte, Diya, Emily FF, Emily S, Emma, Isabella, Maria and Nadya)