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Year 5 & 7 Morning of Maths
On Thursday 8 November Years 5, 7, and 10 girls from Blackheath High Seniors and Juniors as well as Year 5 pupils from St Olave’s Prep, All Saints CofE, Brindishe Lee, Brindishe Green and Brindishe Manor gathered together in the sports hall for a morning of challenging maths questions.
The six schools teamed up into 25 groups. The first round consisted of a murder mystery where the groups had to work their way through several clues to ascertain the murderer. The next round was tougher; a series of challenging puzzles put the pupils’ minds into overdrive! The questions were very hard but most groups managed to find the answers. The third was puzzles of various levels of difficulty. The final round was mind-thirsty work! Sets of instructions had to be followed on how to make a hexaflexagon. The teams had to fold paper in a certain way to make a hexagonal object which could be turned inside out as many times as desired in order to reveal three different pictures.
Congratulations to the winning team which consisted of Sam and Lev from Brindishe Lee, Marley and Freya from Blackheath High Juniors and Millie, Zoe, Katia and Priya from Blackheath High School. The delighted winners posed for photos with their prizes of a box of chocolates. However, as everyone did so well and displayed excellent team-working skills, they all received a lolly.
Well done to everyone who took part in a morning of brain-picking maths!