Latest News
The Digital Leaders at Senior School
The Digital Leaders at seniors have been very busy. They are ready for their first trip to Morden College on 7th March when they will be working with residents on useful ways to use digital media. Next week, eight of our girls from both the Junior and Senior Schools will be attending the annual GDST Digital Leaders’ Conference at South Hampstead High School where they will be working on a project based around languages and digital media. They will also have the opportunity to hear from leading speakers in the field. It’s a great opportunity for the girls to work across different year groups as well as with students across the GDST. We will keep you informed of their progress.
The girls are also looking forward to summer term when they will be part of a student working party, looking at the use of iPads at Blackheath High by both students and staff. I am looking forward to hearing their ideas and helping them to implement them.
Natalie Argile
Assistant Head (Organisation and Communication)