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October 16th 2024

A hive of activity at Junior School

Blackheath High Junior School has had a very busy, vibrant first half term, as usual! 

The Oxford Maths Conference, the magical Hive outdoor learning event, visits to the London Aquarium and buddy group bonding sessions across the year groups as they all settle in to the academic year – all contribute to yet another exciting term for all.  


Year 5 investigate möbius loops at Oxford Maths Conference  

After a very early start, our group of six lucky mathematicians from Year 6 arrived at the Mathematical Institute of Oxford University to join other learners from across the GDST for a fun and exciting day of Maths challenges.  

We assembled in a lecture theatre for a welcome presentation which was very engaging. Did you know that the angles in a triangle don’t always have to add up to 180 degrees (when they are on a sphere!). We watched in awe as an incredible smoke loop (called a torus) kept its shape through the whole room before dispersing on the wall! 

We made new friends from other GDST schools whilst we investigated different types of möbius loops. An interesting fact about the möbius loop is that when you cut it down the middle it stays in one large loop! We also made a heart-shaped möbius loop!  

After lunch we explored “Cascading Principles’, a mathematically inspired art exhibition by Conrad Shawcross. We were fascinated to learn that unlike other shapes, a tetrahedron cannot tessellate with itself- one tetrahedron is unable to fit together with others of its kind. This created interesting sculptures which we sketched.

We had an amazing day out and loved every minute while learning loads of new skills. We even learnt magic tricks!    

Written by Emily, Sahasra, Meera and Dhwani, Year 5 


Year 3 experience The Hive Magic of Autumn 

In the first few weeks of term, Year 3 took part in a full day Outdoor Learning event run by The Hive entitled the ‘Magic of Autumn’. The sessions, which took place at the Sports Field, were focused on teamwork, being brave and ambitious, and fostering curiosity.  

Out intrepid explorers foraged for materials to create a Hapa Zome picture and a mobile using natural materials such as apples and conkers. Hapa Zome has its roots in Japan, where 'hapa' means leaf and 'zome' means to dye and uses natural materials like leaves and flowers to create colourful prints on fabric. Pupils also learnt how to safely use sharp knives to whittle a magic wand, and flint tools to light a campfire to make spiced hot chocolate and baked apples.

Every pupil had a great sense of achievement and tackled activities that were inherently dangerous with great bravery. 


Year 2 dive under the sea  

Bringing their Under the Sea topic to life, Year 2 enjoyed a trip to the iconic London Aquarium. The year group explored the mystical underwater world - seeing sea horses, giant turtles and jellyfish in real life and walking over the glass walkway above the shark tank. 


Junior School buddy groups 

It has been lovely to see Years 5 & 6 looking after their younger peers in Buddy Group sessions – with each group having a theme or school value to focus on. Captured below in the collaboration session, the girls have had lots of fun with their ‘big sisters’ – enjoying the fun of puzzles, board games and some Hedbanz ‘What Am I’ deduction. 

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