March 27th 2025
Bringing music to the community
In June, A-level English students, keen writers and academic scholars in Years 9 & 10 were lucky enough to be invited to attend a creative writing workshop with talented local author, Marina Kemp. Marina already has a brilliant novel, ‘Nightingale’, under her belt, and will soon release her new book, ‘The Unwilding’. Marina talked to us about her personal career journey and how she discovered her passion for creative writing. She also explained the importance of place and how she conveyed it as a character in itself in her novels.
Marina engaged the whole group in some challenging timed creative writing exercises, which involved creating varied voices and writing from multiple perspectives. We were engaged and stretched by the challenge, and enjoyed sharing our experimental writing with each other. It was a great event and we are grateful to Marina for inspiring us to find our voice through our words. Thank you to Mrs Chandler for organising it!
Written by Sophia, Year 10