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Junior School Art & DT Round-up
Key Stage 1 girls were enchanted and inspired by storytelling workshops with author and illustrator Karin Littlewood as part of World Book Day. The girls used Karin’s beautiful and thought-provoking picture book, Immi, as a starting point to innovate and create their very own story necklaces. Immi is connected to a child on the other side of the Earth and the girls were captivated by the idea of making friends with a child they had never met, who lived in a different country. We gained a lot from seeing the author demonstrate live drawings, and her own childhood artwork. Each girl chose a meaningful object that they could gift to a child from another country. Following the workshops, we have finished and used the story necklaces in class. These beautiful learning aids have supported high-quality talk for writing, oral storytelling and diverse written narratives.
Samba! Samba! Year 1 enjoyed a Carnival Day parade with colourful streamers, flags, masks and wings, all designed and made by the pupils. As part of the Year 1 Creative Curriculum topic, ‘The World’, the girls enjoyed a week-long focus on South America, learning about the Amazon Rainforest, Machu Picchu and the Rio de Janeiro Carnival. Coinciding with South America’s Carnival week, we prepared our own Carnival Celebration parade. The girls designed and made costumes, accessories and even musical instruments inspired by Brazil for use in the Carnival – the parade was loud, colourful and tons of fun!
In a wonderful DT class with Mrs Cannell, our Year 3 pupils created some eye-catching and carefully designed cereal box package designs. Year 3 gave much time and care creating packaging including brand names, persuasive product descriptions, dietary information and even barcodes. Using a net (a flat 3D shape), the girls completed their 3D designs in watercolour.
Artist in Residence - Year 3 and Year 6 continued their clay art projects, calling on all their practical, problem-solving and collaborative skills. Our Artist in Residence lessons are themed around the whole-school focus of 'Architecture'. Year 3 are making house facades using a range of methods to build up and emboss clay, while Year 6 are working collaboratively to construct three-dimensional, slab-built houses in clay.
African landscapes - Our Year 1s had a great time exploring wet-on-wet painting techniques and silhouettes while creating African landscapes.