School Policies


Current School Policies Date  
5a Blackheath High School PSHEE Policy (Junior School) 19th Sep 2024 Download
Blackheath High School Online Safety Policy 19th Sep 2024 Download
14c Blackheath High School EYFS Supervision Policy 19th Sep 2024 Download
14b Blackheath High School EYFS Missing Child Policy 19th Sep 2024 Download
7a Blackheath High School Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 19th Sep 2024 Download
Blackheath High School GDST Safeguarding Procedures 19th Sep 2024 Download
2a Blackheath High School Curriculum Policy (Senior School) 11th Sep 2024 Download
Blackheath High School Learning Support and SEND Policy 16th Apr 2024 Download
Blackheath High School Pastoral Care Policy 04th Mar 2024 Download
7b Blackheath High School Whistle-Blowing Policy and Procedure 24th Jan 2024 Download
3b Blackheath High School EAL Policy (Senior School) 24th Jan 2024 Download
2a Blackheath High School Curriculum Policy (Junior School) 19th Jan 2024 Download
GDST Health and Safety Policy Statement 08th Jan 2024 Download
9A Blackheath High School Behaviour Policy (Junior School) 04th Jan 2024 Download
Risk management policy and procedures 17th Nov 2023 Download
9a Blackheath High School Behaviour Policy (Senior School) 17th Nov 2023 Download
15a Blackheath High School Admissions Policy 17th Nov 2023 Download
10a Blackheath High Anti-Bullying and Unkindness Policy 10th Nov 2023 Download
5a Blackheath High School PSHEE Policy (Senior School) 10th Nov 2023 Download
13A Blackheath High School First Aid Policy 30th Oct 2023 Download
Blackheath High School GDST Mission Statement 01st Sep 2023 Download
Blackheath High School Parental Complaints Procedure 21st Jun 2023 Download
Blackheath High School Data Protection Policy 28th Feb 2023 Download
18a Blackheath High School Recruitment Policy 28th Feb 2023 Download
A11 Blackheath High School Fire Risk and Safety Policy 28th Feb 2023 Download
A2 Blackheath High School EAL Policy (Junior School) 28th Feb 2023 Download
2f Blackheath High School Sex and Relationships Policy (Whole School) 28th Feb 2023 Download
12b Blackheath High School Fire procedures 28th Feb 2023 Download
2d Blackheath High School PSHEE Provision Grid (Senior School) 28th Feb 2023 Download
2.10 Blackheath High School Health and Safety Policy 28th Feb 2023 Download
14b Blackheath High School Missing Child Policy (Whole School) 28th Feb 2023 Download
12A Blackheath High School All Fire Risk and Safety Policy 21st Mar 2022 Download
Blackheath High School Educational Visits Policy and Guidance 10th Mar 2022 Download
Blackheath High School Closure Policy 24th Feb 2022 Download
17b Blackheath High School Three Year Accessibility Plan 06th Jan 2022 Download
2d Blackheath High School PSHEE Provision Grid (Junior School) 27th Oct 2021 Download
17A Blackheath High School Inclusion (Equal Opportunities) Policy 27th Oct 2021 Download
Blackheath high School GDST Exclusions Policy 13th Nov 2018 Download