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June 5th 2024

AI Through the Lens of a Girl

As Artificial Intelligence becomes an integral part of our lives, Blackheath High School is taking a deep dive into AI's impact on education, and specifically on girls. We have partnered with AI specialists In The Room to create an AI-driven virtual student panel, asking all the big questions educators want to understand. What do students think of the future of AI? Does it have a place in the classroom? Are they already using it? Is it replacing teachers, or can we learn to use it responsibly?
Our students are ready to start a conversation 'In The Room' - you can also click on the image below to start:
AI In the Room image
  • To ask a question, simply 'start conversation'.
  • Press the red button down to ask Anjini (Year 12), Georgia (Year 9) or Xanthe (Year 6) a question and release when you have finished speaking.
  • Suggested questions will pop up on the screen, and you can also type questions in if you don't have access to a microphone.
*This experience works on any device.
For more information on our AI conference, please contact Miss Hickman, Assistant Head (Learning & Enrichment).
For more information on In The Room, please visit their website.


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